What Makes Me Angry This Week

The Bad Advice from Barefoot Runners Make me Angry

I just operated today on my second case of a barefoot runner with posterior tibial tendon dysfunction. Neither of them will probably be able to run again as it had progressed beyond stage two and they needed bone work. What they both had in common is they followed online advice from fellow barefoot runners and ignored the advice from their doctors. I have also recently dealt with metatarsal stress fractures that have gone on to complete fractures – I have not seen that for years until recently. There is probably nothing wrong with barefoot running for a number of runners, but barefoot runners have got to stop giving medical advice to each other. Barefoot running has been good for my business, but the nonsense has to stop about it being the best way to run injury free. Its certainly does not look like that from where I sit. If you are thinking about barefoot running, have a read of this first. There is no evidence that you get less injuries when running barefoot.